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Are Apps Causing an Uprise in the Plastic Surgery Trend?

By Seanseshadritech · August 13, 2019

Since the rise of smartphones and social media, so are the different photography and face-morphing apps. Instagram is such of those of popular apps, with over 1 billion active users in 2018. This says a lot with our love for photography and connecting with others.

On a recent note, there are also popular face-morphing filters from Snapchat that have become a fad over the recent months. People can now see a male, female or baby version of themselves–leaving nothing to the imagination. All seems possible now with the technology of imagery.

According to plastic surgeon Tampa, Dr. Farrior, there are also some people who do not want to keep their desires in mere images. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there are over 17.7 million cosmetic procedures done in the US alone, which was a rise of 2% from the previous year.

What could be the possible cause of this rise? In theory, there are many factors, but one of the main societal reasons for this is the use of various social media, photography and face apps. Dr. Farrior shares his insight regarding this connection.

Are Apps Causing an Uprise in the Plastic Surgery Trend?

People go through the fear of missing out

The fear of missing out (FOMO) phenomenon is very real in social media. People keep themselves stuck in the cycle of checking others’ feeds and updating their own.

According to plastic surgeon Tampa Dr. Farrior, the fear of missing out isn’t just about being updated with events. It also has to do with keeping up with images and living up to the expectations of others. Some people use a lot of filters and editing on apps as they post pictures. Thus, they want their in-person image to match what people see online. This fear of missing out may cause people to undergo cosmetic procedures.

People now have the advantage of advanced imagery

Another possible reason why the use of apps and the rise of plastic surgery are possibly related is the power of advanced imagery.

Recently, an app called FaceApp made it possible for users to see themselves in various personas–such as male, female, old, young, or with different looks and hairstyles. People who have plastic surgery in their minds for quite a while benefit from these advanced imageries to help them make a more concrete decision towards having a procedure.

Thankfully, there are also advances in plastic surgery in terms of seeing the final procedure through the use of artificial intelligence. Machine learning can also help detect potential problems, predict treatments that will work, and monitor the recovery process of patients.

People want to follow influencers

Along with the social media networks are also users that rise above the rest. Called influencers, they make a living by looking good and endorsing products from popular brands.

There’s always a mass following when it comes to these influencers, and people always idolize their aesthetic. This desire to imitate can go further towards wanting to have the influencer’s facial features. This is also true for the desire to imitate public figures and celebrities. Recently, a 36-year-old woman reportedly underwent plastic surgery to look like Meghan Markle. This goes to show that when people idolize well-known figures, they have the desire to imitate their looks as well.

People want to boost their confidence

Photography apps are often made for people to post end-products in social media. This leaves a culture of wanting to constantly seek the approval of others, and some may want a means to boost their confidence.

The influence of validation received from others in these apps and the desire to gain more of it may also be a cause why cosmetic procedures are on the rise.

Dr. Farrior reminds those who are contemplating plastic surgery to decide not because of others, but for themselves. According to him, prioritizing oneself in decision-making helps make satisfied clients
